
Showing posts from December, 2021

750pts Imperial Japanese Army WIP. Sneak Peek!

Of all my armies, my IJA see the table the most.  My 750pt list has been partially batch painted, and I'm planning on having them be the first army I finish for this blog. This is a WIP post, showing off what they're current condition is. Yes, I missed some mold lines, but I'm not terribly concerned with that. I should be, but I'm not. Colors are taken from Osprey's Imperial Japanese Army uniform books, as well as some serious and in-depth googling.  The HQ consists of one bold Officer.  The list's primary AT support is in the form of three Suicide AT guys, good luck to them and glory for to the Emperor!! One of them is a custom job, I'll show off more when he's done.  The list has two primary infantry squads consisting of 11 men, NCO with rifle and no fancy upgrades. To distinguish between the two first squad has helmets, and second squad has hats.  These brave lads are backed up by three support squads. Two island warfare squads with LMG, and a grenadi...

Introducing the Warlord Himself.

This here is my delightful little fishy, a wonderful Christmas present and a huge advocate of the hobby community. I've yet to name him, but I'm leaning towards Diogenes, as he lives in a large "ancient" jar in the center of his aquarium.   Hobby posting to begin in the new year! 

Hobby Goals: January to June 2022

 Right now it's the end of December, 2021.  Soon it will be January 2022. Come June 2022 I'll be moving yet again, hopefully for good for some time.  However, that leaves me with 6 months to play around with, and I have several hobby goals to work on in that time. The first goal has been accomplished: Start a Hobby Blog. [Check] But many are left to do! And here they are!  My Hobby Goals for the first Half of 2022, in no particular order, with no specific plan, but organized by games and points costs.  BOLT ACTION - JAPAN     -750 pts IJA, painted. **     -750 pts SNLF, painted. ** -CHINA     -750 pts KMT Nationalists, painted.**     -750 pts Ankochun Warlords, painted.** -USA     -750 pts USMC, Painted.  (Why 750 pts? That's the Go-To size for my small gaming group, we're all still learning the ropes and find that 750 points works nicely for the space we have and our skill level!) FISTFUL OF LEAD (Skirmish ...

A new chapter in my hobby journy

 Well, I suppose it's time.  I've followed and enjoyed hobby blogs all my life. It started with Major General Tredmorden Rederring's Colonial Era Wargaming's Page and  Jackson Gamers Home Page way back in 2004 or 05. It was these blogs that light the great flame in me as a young teen, that interest in hobby wargaming, miniature soldiers and small scale war machines that's continued all my life. I remember those days well, pouring over these hobby blogs along side blogs on pre-dreadnought battleships since lost to history, mostly during computer lab in school and then back home late into the night. I pined for those soldiers then, wished I could afford them, wished I could paint them, wished I had people to play with them with. The years have passed. I've got the soldiers, I've become a fairly okay miniature painter. And while I don't have that many people to really play the games with, I have a budding hobby group.  So then now what? I've decided I...