Xiǎo Yú Municipal Police

The Xiǎo Yú Municipal Police are inspired by the Shanghai Municipal Police and function with much the same role and responsibilities. The International Concessions in Xiǎo Yú are small but no less important than any other in China, and in accordance with treaty arrangements it is the responsibility of the British to maintain a capable and competent police force there in. 

 An over view of the police forces, organized for Fistful of Lead. Available is our Police Lieutenant, Lt Louden Hurst, looking quite bored as Police Sargent Sanjeev lectures at him. Sgt Sanjeev is armed with an Ishapore, while the remaining squad is armed with Lee Enfield Rifles. They are supported by a Rolls Royce Armored Car. 

Being a skirmish game, the basic squad in Fistful of Lead is 5 men. A leader, Lt Hurst, a specialist with specialist weapon, Sgt Sanjeev, and three regulars with rifles. 
An alternative for these lads is running them as a "Heroes All" squad, which nixes the leader, reducing the squad from 5 to 4, but in turn swaps out the three regulars with three additional specialists. Being that the Ishapore 410 shotgun is simply a rebored Lee Enfield Rifle, I could say that the 4 Sikh are all armed with shotguns. It would be a fun way to play them. 

Their armored car is a 1924 pattern Rolls Royce, armed with a Vickers 303. The Fistful of lead expansion "Galactic Heroes: Vehicle Rules" gives rules for vehicles! And while the book is intended for science fiction fun, there's very little difference from a rules as written perspective with a land speeder and a Rolls Royce. The armored car counts as one model but gets two cards for the imitative, one for the driver and one for the gunner. Some day I'd like to have pistol armed vehicle crew for all my factions, so they can dismount or bail out and still be on the table. Maybe some day. 

The whole squad and Armored Car could easily be used in a larger game with 7 cards on the initiative and would look great going up against a large horde riot of angry Chinese.    

Pulpfigures makes a heavy weapons set I'd like to get eventually to reinforce these guys, and Copplestone castings also has a Vickers MMG on tripod. Both will make excellent reinforcements. A bit of a historical note, these chaps are inspired by the real life Sikh Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Police, who I think look quite sharp indeed.


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