Kwangtung Army Security Detachment, South Manchuria Railway Zone, 192X

 The first major hobby project I've ever finished. Started on August 7th, and completed today, August 28th. I proudly present Major Tanaka and his Manchurian Stormtroopers, a detachment of the Kwangtung Army tasked with preforming anti-bandit security along the South Manchuria Railway, some time in the late 1920s.

 The Major, depicted with sword in hand, is a glory seeking martinet. Behind him is Ka Squad, his most experienced soldiers. Well drilled and highly motivated, they've been in China for at the very least one full tour. However their combat experience has mostly consisted of shooting at bandits and the occasional craven warlord solder. 

Major Tanaka's second in command is quite his opposite. Lt Sulu, seen here on horseback with sword, is a cavalier playboy from a well connected family. His squadron reflects their leaders attitude, ill-disciplined but daring riders none the less.  Sulu's family connections have even netted his Major quite the boon. Japan has only just started experimenting with Armor, one of the precocious few imported British Whippet tanks has been assigned to the cavalry squadron for trials and testing. The crew is green and inexperienced with their metal steed, but what they lack in skills they makeup for with spirit. 

Ro Squad, the second and larger infantry squad under Major Tanaka is fresh from the academy. Eager and on their first deployment these young soldiers have yet to experience the thrill and terror of anyone actually shooting back at them. Yet.  

Aside from the aforementioned tank, the other heavy assets of Tanaka's Stormtroopers are a bog standard MMG and a medium mortar. Chemical shells included. A general purpose transport truck rounds out the ground assets, capable of comfortably carrying 6 men, or 8 with two on the running boards, the Major also has it schlep the Type 3 Machine Gun with it shooting out the back like some sort of motorized Tachanka. It can also haul the mortar around, so it can keep up with the troops. 

And finally, a questionably lit group shot on their shelf. The whole Company, officially my Manchurian Stormtroopers, can't fit in my light box all at one. I still can't seem to take nice pictures though, gotta invest in a digital camera. 

I can't emphasize enough how happy and proud I am to have finished this project. In all my years hobbying these guys here are the first large scale army I've ever finished. Sure in the past I've finished loads of one offs and maybe even a single squad here and there, but never have I sat down and powered through a project quite like this. 

All I have left to do is get them an Airplane. But that's for the future. 


  1. Stumbled across your website, lots of very inspiring work, I love the background flavour you add to the comments. I am looking forward to reviewing the rest of your site and future posts as I am embarking on such a projects start later this year. Cheers.


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