
Showing posts from August, 2022

Kwangtung Army Security Detachment, South Manchuria Railway Zone, 192X

 The first major hobby project I've ever finished. Started on August 7th, and completed today, August 28th. I proudly present Major Tanaka and his Manchurian Stormtroopers, a detachment of the Kwangtung Army tasked with preforming anti-bandit security along the South Manchuria Railway, some time in the late 1920s.  The Major, depicted with sword in hand, is a glory seeking martinet. Behind him is Ka Squad, his most experienced soldiers. Well drilled and highly motivated, they've been in China for at the very least one full tour. However their combat experience has mostly consisted of shooting at bandits and the occasional craven warlord solder.  Major Tanaka's second in command is quite his opposite. Lt Sulu, seen here on horseback with sword, is a cavalier playboy from a well connected family. His squadron reflects their leaders attitude, ill-disciplined but daring riders none the less.  Sulu's family connections have even netted his Major quite the boon. Japan...

Chinese Militia and a European Mercenary

 So I got a light box, and I'm still dialing in how to use it most efficiently.    I've painted up a Chinese Militia and a few heroes or officers. The militia is for Fistful of Lead and is organized around one leader, and four groups of grunts - consisting of 3 grunts per group. The idea is that this could be a poorly trained and armed swarm or hoard. Fistful of Lead focuses around squad based skirmish combat, and your typical squad has 5 models. The leader, specialist, and three regulars and you can swap out one regular for a group of grunts. However there are several squad variants allowing things like a exchanging all five of your guys for four specialists, or in this case, for four groups of grunts and one leader. It's a great system, if you've never played it check it out. (7$ pdf!)  Here are the three heroes or leaders, my apologies as they're a bit washed out. Two Chinese on either end and a European Mercenary in the center. He's not terribly thrilled wit...