The Yellow Locust Gang

The countryside of Xiǎo Yú, like with most Chinese provinces during this era, is plagued with bandit gangs. Ranging from small ragtag groups of thugs to large organized but poorly disciplined hosts they are countless and unending. A constant stream of destitute peasants, craven deserters, and those just looking for an easy meal keep these gangs flush with manpower. Two major gangs prowl Xiǎo Yú, one of which is known as "The Yellow Locust Gang." Yellow representing power and prosperity in traditional Chinese culture, and locust referring to the gangs ability to lay waste to all they descend on. They are lead by "Four Eyes" Chin, a smart and capable man believed to once have been a junior officer in the now destroyed Anhui Clique. Chin's nickname stems from his poor eyesight, the man needing glasses to see beyond the end of his nose. It is said that the primary goal for his gang is to ensure he has enough glasses to last him the rest of his life, and while this i...