A fishy tale in Warlord China, Xiao Yú, 192x - 193x

I've been working on all this in earnest since last August, terrain, lore, armies, everything organized for Fistful of Lead, and Beyond the Empire. Some day.. some day I'll have enough army men for Setting the East Ablaze. Anyways, an introduction. The province of Xiao Yú, a microcosm of the struggles of Greater China, is a small forgotten land, tucked away somewhere north of Beijing, near the Mongolian Border, neighbor enough to Manchuria, somewhere in the lands of Rehe and inner Mongolia. The province takes it's name from the Xiao Yú River, an equally forgotten tributary that snakes off the northern hump of the Yellow River, past Shanxi and into the lands beyond. It's quite alright if you've never seen Xiao Yú on any map, the residents prefer it that way. Some say that it was the Germans who originally erased it from the maps around the time of the Boxer Rebellion, not in the typical Germanic fashion mind you - nothing was burned down - but rather, that their in...