Back to the Back of Beyond!

Hobby Project 2.0 I've been reflecting upon my hobby progress -or lack there of- for some time now, and I've come to a few conclusions. What's most important to me right now? What's the biggest focus of my hobby efforts? My Back of Beyond project. China. The 1920s. I've neglected this project. I've picked at it here and there, with little goal or solid idea in mind, no real drive or direction and have little to show for it. I want to change that. I want to change how empty and neglected my blog is as well. So now, I declare it time for my Hobby Project 2.0. It doesn't matter if I have any war games or not, I want these models done for my own pleasure, because I enjoy painting them, because I enjoy dreaming up a story surrounding them, because I love them and I love this wonderful hobby. I've got some terrain under construction, a decent Manchuria/Inner Mongolia table slowly in the works. A small village, some wheat fields (rice is southern china, wh...