I'm not dead, just terrible at goal management. AKA here's a 40k Renegade Vanquisher.

Fun times. I have a huge pile of half completed projects and nothing finished to check off my list. So I got distracted and put together 1000 points of 40k 3rd edition Lost and Damned, with this tank being the lists heavy support. It was a lot of fun to paint! Photos taken in the fridge! I tried a whole bunch of new things with this tank. What worked was a new (to me) method of putting down the base coat, with more distress, color variation and shading. I also tried something new with the tracks, trying to go for a specific look, that look being rusty, with parts worn clean, and dust settled down in the grooves. I tried some freehand and worked with etched brass for the first time. On top of all that just some general refinement of my weathering and chipping. Over all, I'm pretty pleased. Turn around time once I stopped f**king up wasn't too bad. I wonder what I could do if I put more time into it.. strip it and start over? Nah, I have a fat pile of tanks to get to work on. ...